12/11/2024 2024 Bank Counsel Conference | 2024BCC | EDUC | 12/11/2024 8:00:00 AM |
12/13/2024 Deposit Year-End Review (Webinar) | DYEWDEC24 | TC | 12/13/2024 10:00:00 AM |
01/08/2025 2024 Leadership School II (Session 5 of 5) | LSIISEP24 | EDUC | 1/8/2025 8:30:00 AM |
01/13/2025 Deposit Regulation Study Part I: Reg CC and D (Webinar) | DRWJAN25 | TC | 1/13/2025 2:30:00 PM |
01/14/2025 BSA Consent Order: Lessons Learned for Smaller Institutions | BCOWJAN25 | TC | 1/14/2025 10:00:00 AM |
01/15/2025 Young Bank Presidents Discussion Group (In Person) | YBPDJAN25 | COMM | 1/15/2025 10:30:00 AM |
01/27/2025 IRA/HSA Update & Review (Webinar) | IHRWJAN25 | TC | 1/27/2025 2:30:00 PM |
01/28/2025 IMPACT Conference | IMPCJAN25 | EDUC | 1/28/2025 6:00:00 PM |
01/30/2025 Government Relations Meeting | GRCJAN25 | EDUC | 1/30/2025 9:00:00 AM |
01/31/2025 Protecting the Elderly: What Your Institution Needs to Know | PTEWJAN25 | TC | 1/31/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/06/2025 Scrubbing & Submitting HMDA Data (Webinar) | SSHWFEB25 | TC | 2/6/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/07/2025 Human Resources Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | HRPGFEB25 | COMM | 2/7/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/10/2025 Exploring Check Fraud: Source & Solutions (Webinar) | CFWFEB25 | TC | 2/10/2025 2:30:00 PM |
02/11/2025 Intro to Laser Pro Commercial Doc Prep (In-Person Only) | LPCDFEB25 | EDUC | 2/11/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/11/2025 BSA/AML/CTF Program Rules - Proposed or Final (Webinar) | BACWFEB25 | TC | 2/11/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/12/2025 Intro to Laser Pro Consumer Real Estate (In-Person Only) | LPCREFEB25 | EDUC | 2/12/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/13/2025 Laser Pro Tips, Shortcuts & Best Practices (In-Person Only) | LPAFEB25 | EDUC | 2/13/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/14/2025 Investment Professionals Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | IPPGFEB25 | COMM | 2/14/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/20/2025 2025 Call Report Preparation (Virtual only) | CRPVFEB25 | EDUC | 2/20/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/21/2025 Women Bank Executives' Roundtable Discussion Group | WBEFEB25 | COMM | 2/21/2025 10:00:00 AM |
02/24/2025 Deposit Regulation Study Part II: Reg E (Webinar) | DRWFEB25 | TC | 2/24/2025 2:30:00 PM |
02/26/2025 CEO Forum - Session 1 of 2 (In-Person Only) | CEOFFEB25 | EDUC | 2/26/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/27/2025 Construction Loans: Administering & Monitoring (In-Person) | CLAFEB25 | EDUC | 2/27/2025 9:00:00 AM |
02/27/2025 Anti-Fraud & Security Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | AFSPGFEB25 | COMM | 2/27/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/07/2025 2025 Call Report Update (Webinar) | CRUWMAR25 | TC | 3/7/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/10/2025 New Account Fraud: Prevention and Detection (Webinar) | NAFWMAR25 | TC | 3/10/2025 2:30:00 PM |
03/11/2025 Advanced Internal Audit Forum (Session 1 of 2) | AIAFMAR25 | EDUC | 3/11/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/11/2025 CTRs: Line by Line (Webinar) | CTRWMAR25 | TC | 3/11/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/12/2025 Leadership School I (Session 1 of 5) In-Person Only | LS1MAR25 | EDUC | 3/12/2025 8:30:00 AM |
03/13/2025 Sr. Lender Forum (Session 1 of 3) | SLF1MAR25 | EDUC | 3/13/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/14/2025 CFO Forum (Session 1 of 3) | CFOF1MAR25 | EDUC | 3/14/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/17/2025 Deposit Regulation Study Part III: Reg DD & UDAAP (Webinar) | DRWMAR25 | TC | 3/17/2025 2:30:00 PM |
03/18/2025 Security Risk Management | SRMMAR25 | EDUC | 3/18/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/19/2025 Section 1071: A Deep Dive & What You Need To Know | SDDMAR25 | EDUC | 3/19/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/20/2025 CRA, Section 1071 & Fair Lending: How They Collide | CSFMAR25 | EDUC | 3/20/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/21/2025 COO Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | COPGMAR25 | COMM | 3/21/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/25/2025 Louisiana Deposit Accounts: CIP, CDD & EDD | LDAMAR25 | EDUC | 3/25/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/26/2025 Deposit Regulations Update | DRUMAR25 | EDUC | 3/26/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/27/2025 IRA Basics | IRABMAR25 | EDUC | 3/27/2025 9:00:00 AM |
03/27/2025 Lending Compliance - Part 1 (3-Part Webinar Series) | LCW1MAR25 | TC | 3/27/2025 10:00:00 AM |
03/28/2025 IRA Advanced | IRAAMAR25 | EDUC | 3/28/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/01/2025 Deposit Operations: Procedures, Practices & Legal Issues | DOPAPR25 | EDUC | 4/1/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/02/2025 BSA Officer Annual Training | BSAOAPR25 | EDUC | 4/2/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/03/2025 Lending Compliance - Part 2 (3-Part Webinar Series) | LCW2MAR25 | TC | 4/3/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/04/2025 Credit Analyst Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | CAPGAPR25 | COMM | 4/4/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/07/2025 Legal Issues of Checks (Webinar) | LICWAPR25 | TC | 4/7/2025 2:30:00 PM |
04/08/2025 Information Security Training (Webinar) | ISTWAPR25 | TC | 4/8/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/09/2025 Leadership School I (Session 2 of 5) In-Person Only | LS1APR25 | EDUC | 4/9/2025 8:30:00 AM |
04/10/2025 Performing Commercial Evals: Understanding Leases & Cap Rate | PCEAPR25 | EDUC | 4/10/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/10/2025 Lending Compliance - Part 3 (3-Part Webinar Series) | LCW3APR25 | TC | 4/10/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/11/2025 Loan Review Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | LRPGAPR25 | COMM | 4/11/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/14/2025 Deposit Reg Study Part IV: Reg P, Identity Theft (Webinar) | DRWAPR25 | TC | 4/14/2025 2:30:00 PM |
04/15/2025 BSA/AML Examination Prep (Webinar) | BSAEWARP25 | TC | 4/15/2025 10:00:00 AM |
04/23/2025 Loan Review (In-Person Only) | LRAPR25 | EDUC | 4/23/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/24/2025 Loan Documentation (In-Person Only) | LDAPR25 | EDUC | 4/24/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/29/2025 Introduction to LaserPro Administration (Virtual via WebEx) | LPAAPR25 | EDUC | 4/29/2025 9:00:00 AM |
04/30/2025 Intro to LaserPro Consumer Real Estate (Virtual via WebEx) | LPCREAPR25 | EDUC | 4/30/2025 9:00:00 AM |
05/01/2025 Introduction To LaserPro Commercial Doc Prep (Virtual) | LPCDMAY25 | EDUC | 5/1/2025 9:00:00 AM |
05/02/2025 Technology Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | TCPGMAY25 | COMM | 5/2/2025 10:00:00 AM |
05/07/2025 2025 LBA Convention & Exposition | LBA2025 | EDUC | 5/7/2025 12:00:00 AM |
05/12/2025 BSA Training for the Board (Webinar) | BSABWMAY25 | TC | 5/12/2025 2:30:00 PM |
05/13/2025 SAR Hot Spots (Webinar) | SHSWMAY25 | TC | 5/13/2025 10:00:00 AM |
05/14/2025 Leadership School I (Session 3 of 5) In-Person Only | LS1MAY25 | EDUC | 5/14/2025 8:30:00 AM |
05/16/2025 One Person HR Department Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | HR1MAY25 | COMM | 5/16/2025 10:00:00 AM |
05/20/2025 Internal Audit School | IASMAY25 | EDUC | 5/20/2025 9:00:00 AM |
05/21/2025 2025 Banker's Day at the Capitol | BDCMAY25 | COMM | 5/21/2025 11:45:00 AM |
06/02/2025 Louisiana Tech School of Banking | LATECH2025 | EDUC | 6/2/2025 12:00:00 AM |
06/11/2025 Bankers School for Supervisory Training | BSSTJUN25 | EDUC | 6/11/2025 9:00:00 AM |
06/18/2025 Leadership School I (Session 4 of 5) In-Person Only | LS1JUN25 | EDUC | 6/18/2025 8:30:00 AM |
06/24/2025 Commercial Financial Analysis: Intro To Financial Analysis | CFAIJUN25 | EDUC | 6/24/2025 8:30:00 AM |
06/24/2025 Compliance Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | COMPGJUN25 | COMM | 6/24/2025 10:00:00 AM |
06/25/2025 Commercial Financial Analysis: Tools of Financial Analysis | CFATJUN25 | EDUC | 6/25/2025 8:30:00 AM |
06/26/2025 Commercial Financial Analysis: Advanced Financial Analysis | CFAAJUN25 | EDUC | 6/26/2025 8:30:00 AM |
06/27/2025 Loan Operations Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom) | LOPGJUN25 | COMM | 6/27/2025 10:00:00 AM |
07/09/2025 Leadership School I (Session 5 of 5) In-Person Only | LS1JUL25 | EDUC | 7/9/2025 8:30:00 AM |