Marketing Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom)

Please note: Peer group discussions are designed for LBA Member Bank employees

Social media is a hot topic. Let’s talk about what outlets you are using at your bank and if you have any plans to make changes in 2023. How are you handling social media compliance—checking it inhouse or hiring someone to monitor? Are you posting job openings on social media? Are you using more videos in your marketing and do you have any tips for creating videos on your own? We’d like to know what you think about media monitoring—do you use a tracking service? Where does your marketing strategy come from—do you use a proactive or reactive approach? Is marketing involved in telling your bank’s CRA narrative? We’d also like to know the agencies that you use that you’d like to recommend—from website design to social media management to keeping up with industry trends and news.

Anything you would like to add to the list of discussion topics? Email it to We look forward to the conversation on May 9. Register today!

5/9/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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