Investment Professionals Peer Group Meeting

Please note: Peer Group discussions are designed for LBA Member Bank employees.

This peer group was scheduled for January 24, 2023 and has been rescheduled to February 8, 2023. 

Yes, the market is still volatile.  Some banks are looking for liquidity; some banks are looking for loans; all banks are having very different discussions today than they were one or two years ago.  Join your fellow bankers to share insights.  Register today for the February 8 Investment Professionals peer group meeting, 10:00 am at the LBA office. 

Discussion topics: 

  • Has anyone been through their regulatory exam this year and received comments from FDIC regarding their portfolio?
  • How are you managing liquidity with the bond portfolio?  Are you buying or selling securities?
  • What are your thoughts on interest rates in 2023?  Rates for the next couple of years?
  • What are your plans for 2023?  Plans for the next 2-5 years?  Will the portfolio size grow, shrink, stay the same?
  • How are you doing individual bond research? Documenting research?
  • Are you only investing in government, agencies?
  • What sources do you use for economic research?
  • How are you accomplishing CRA investment credits?
2/8/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
LBA/The Bankers Center 5555 Bankers Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70808 UNITED STATES

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