Congratulations to the 2018 Law Enforcement Officer Distinguished Service Award Recipient: Alexandria Police Department’s Corporal/Detective Doug Alford
CONTACT: Jayme Foster ( or 225/214-4826)
ALEXANDRIA, LA— Alexandria Police Department’s Corporal/Detective Doug Alford received the 2018 Law Enforcement Officer Distinguished Service Award at the LBA Annual Security Meeting, which was held in New Orleans this past July. Cpl. Alford was nominated by a local bank security officer for the efforts he made while investigating financial crimes for the bank.
“Cpl. Alford has be instrumental in many financial crimes investigations for the bank. Most recently, he was the lead investigator for skimming devices on two bank ATMs. He served on the US Secret Service Task Force, which found the criminals and lead to their arrest. He has also assisted with many cases of fraudulent checks as well as providing training for our management team. Having a close contact in the financial crimes division is invaluable to the bank when assistance is needed, and Cpl. Alford is that person for our bank,” said the nominating banker.
“Louisiana banks are fortunate to work with highly professional law enforcement officials as we all work to end financial crimes. The working relationship between the bankers and all levels of law enforcement is admirable. We appreciate what the bank security officers do in our banks and we thank the law enforcement officials for their support,” said Robert T. Taylor, LBA chief executive officer.
Each year, LBA recognizes outstanding law enforcement officers who assist banks with the investigation of financial crimes. The award recipients are nominated by bankers from across the state.
About LBA: Founded in 1900, the Louisiana Bankers Association’s mission is to help banks grow and prosper in Louisiana. For more than 117 years, the LBA has provided Louisiana’s banker with top-quality professional development, revenue-enhancing products and services, governmental relations and public advocacy. For more information, go to
Award Presentation Photo

(above, middle) Corporal/Detective Doug Alford of the Alexandria Police Department is presented with a plaque as the 2018 Law Enforcement Officer Distinguished Service Award Recipient. Also pictured are (remaining, from left) Carrie Roy of Red River Bank and LBA Chief Operating Officer Ginger Laurent.