2018 New Accts Series: Nonprofit Org. Accts Web Rec

Member Fee:  $165
Non-Member Fee:  $265

Speaker: Debbie Crawford, gettechnical, Inc.

From clubs to campaigns, these organization accounts have different rules and procedures for each. Learn how to set-up these different nonprofit organizations, associations and corporations. This program is a must for those who open accounts for community, civic and fund raising organizations. The documentation and signature card do’s and don’ts will be covered for your financial institution so that you can document authority, liability and on-going signatory rights on each. Topics include: How to set up: nonprofit corporations; nonprofit organizations that are formal; informal clubs; charities; homeowners associations; campaigns and tragedy or benefit accounts; Signature cards; resolutions and documentation required on each of these accounts; TIN for entities using the parent organization’s TIN; How to obtain TIN; BSA requirements for nonprofit organizations; Common errors and signature card problems; What happens when signers move away; How to document changes in signers; Insurance issues; Special issues on public funds.
7/30/2018 - 7/30/2019

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