Mortgage Lending Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom)

This peer group was scheduled for 8/25 but has been rescheduled to 8/24 due to a scheduling conflict. 

Mortgage interest rates have increased significantly, what changes are you making to your mortgage lending operations to respond to the changing rate environment? Fewer companies are writing property hazard insurance in Louisiana and premium rates are increasing, how is this impacting mortgage lending? The National Flood Insurance Program has implemented Risk Weighting 2.0 which has caused some premium rates to increase – what are you seeing and how has this impacted mortgage lending? We will also discuss new state laws that go into effect on August 1, 2022 that impose new requirements on how mortgage servicers handle insurance proceeds and work with borrowers to repair the mortgaged property after a storm or other event causing damage to the mortgaged property. What are your current challenges? Lots to discuss. We look forward to the conversation on August 24. This peer group will meet via Zoom. Register today.

8/24/2022 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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