CTR and SAR Line by Line (Webinar)

Member Fee:  $165 per connection 
Non-Member Fee:  $265 per connection 

Speaker: Debbie Crawford, gettechnical, Inc. 

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This webinar provides a thorough review of the Currency Transaction Report (CTR) process. We'll cover completing the form and proceed all the way to maintaining exemptions. Learn more about who you can exempt and who you cannot exempt. Learn how to complete CTRs with armored cars, aggregation of currency and many special issues on the CTR itself. Ten Hot Spots for CTR completion will be included, as well as tips for avoiding examination issues. This webinar will also include a comprehensive review of the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) process. You will learn how to complete narratives, common errors, and how to share with law enforcement. This is a line-by-line look at the forms and your requirements to file. Time lines, identification, RSSDs, and exemptions will all be covered. Session topics include: How to aggregate currency transactions; Filing and record retention; CTR back filing; Phase I exemptions; Phase II exemptions; Nonlisted businesses; Ineligible businesses; What is a motor vehicle; Armored car rules; Mergers, revoking exemptions, maintaining a current exempt list; Line-by-line review of the CTR and how to complete it; From Red Flag to SAR - time lines and continuing SAR; How to complete the narrative - 24 points to cover; How to file joint SARs; How to cover the crimes; Who you can share with - law enforcement; Reporting to the Board.
5/9/2019 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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