BSA Peer Group Meeting (via Zoom)

This peer group will meet via Zoom. 

CSBS posts a BSA-AML Self-Assessment Tool, Federal Agencies issue BSA/AML FAQs on SARs, FinCEN issues advisory on EIP Fraud and updates MSB List – all these are posted on the BSA Peer Group webpage.  What changes have you made to your BSA/AML program because of the pandemic?  Are you seeing more or less activity?  Is it the same activity?  What positive changes will you include in your program going forward that resulted from the pandemic?  If you’ve had a recent exam, were examiners looking at any things differently than they have in the past?  Bring any other topics you’d like to discuss with the group.  Register today!

Click here for brochure

6/8/2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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