IRA Rollovers, Transfers & Other Movements (Webinar)

July 08, 2024

Member Fee (Live or Recording):  $165 per connection 
Non-Member Fee (Live or Recording):  $265 per connection

This IRA webinar is designed for those who work with customers to move IRA funds. It is designed for new account specialists and IRA administrators to help your financial institution “get it right” when a customer is moving money to your institution. This detailed webinar will take each type of movement and walk you right through how it should be done. 

Program Highlights 
Rollover from IRA to IRA 
Transfers from IRA to IRA 
Qualified retirement plan rollovers 
IRA waiver or 60 day rule 
Other special rollovers and revocations 
Self Certifications and new codes

This webinar is designed for all IRA administrators, personal bankers, trust officers, customer service representatives and those selling or discussing these products with their customers. 

Debbie Crawford
is the President of gettechnical, Inc. a Florida-based firm, specializing in the education of banks and credit unions across the nation. Her 35+ years of banking and teaching experience  began at Hibernia National Bank in New Orleans. She graduated from Louisiana State University with both her bachelor's and master’s degrees. Deborah's specialty is in the deposit side of the financial institution where she teaches seminars on regulations, documentation, insurance and Individual Retirement Accounts.

7/8/2024 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

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